22 декабря 2006 года в рубриках «Разное» и «Забавное»

When you advertise, just be sure you’ve got the goods

Обнаружил такое вот замечательное стихотворение из книги Дена Кеннеди «The Ultimate Marketing Plan». Оно будет полезно не только рекламистам, но и пиарщикам, которые каждый чих своего директора преподносят в пресс-релизе не иначе, как извержение вулкана.

A lion met a tiger
As they drank beside a pool
Said the tiger, «tell me why…
You’re roaring like a fool»

«That’s not foolish» said the lion,
With a twinkle in his eyes,
«They call me king of all the beasts
Because I advertise!»

A rabbit heard them talking,
And ran home like a streak.
He thought he’d try the lion’s plan,
But his roar was just a squeak.

A fox, who happened on the scene,
Had a fine lunch in the woods.
The Moral? When you advertise,
Just be sure you’ve got the goods.

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